Thursday, April 2, 2009

Come Flea (Market) Away!

Oh Megan - you were so, so pretty and quirky. America just didn't dig your style. The judges put you through the wringer for your song choice and, at the end of the day, I think you wanted to go home to see your little boy. Way to follow your dreams - you made it through the AI's Top Ten. I will be sad to see you go.
I can't wait for this weekend to come, but I have a lot to do. The Kane County Flea Market is this weekend and I am anxious to go junk hunting to see what kind of treasures I can find. The weather is supposed to be on the cool side - in the 50's, but sunny. Hopefully, the wind will not be too bad and it will be a fabulous sunny day. I plan to take lots of pictures. I've been poking around on the web looking at what people are creating and I'm totally inspired!
I also have a baby shower to go to. And, I'm just about done with one of the crafts I've been working on. The craft is for the shower - so I have to get on the horn and finish those babies up!
We are having some friends over on Saturday to watch some basketball. Zzzzzzz, Oh! Sorry! I dozed off there for a minute! I don't really care about the game. I'm thinking we'll fix some chicken quesadillas - yum!
Do you have any exciting plans for this weekend?

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